Omega-6 fatty acids help us live longer !!
New research from Finland supports he idea that a
diet rich in omega-6 fatty acids may protect us from premature death.
Scientists from Finland analysed data from a study
that followed nearly 2,500 men for over 20 years. It was revealed that higher
blood levels of the omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid were tied to both a lower
risk of death and death from cardiovascular disease.
Linoleic acid is the most common polyunsaturated
omega-6 fatty acid. Omega-6 fatty acids are a group of polyunsaturated fatty
acids that are present in plant-based foods such as vegetable oils, seeds,
nuts, beans, and grains. They get their name from the fact that their first
double bond occurs at the sixth carbon-carbon bond counting from the methyl end
(CH3) of their hydrocarbon backbone.
There is currently much debate about the health
benefits of omega-6 fatty acids. Although widely praised for their effect on
cholesterol levels, they come under fire because it is thought that they may
also do harm, such as promote low-level
inflammation, which is associated with cardiovascular disease.
The reason behind this thinking lies in the fact
that our bodies convert dietary linoleic acid into another omega-6 fatty acid
called Arachidonic acid,
which, in turn, is used to make certain pro-inflammatory compounds. Unlike
linoleic acid, blood levels of arachidonic acid are not diet-dependent.
However, the notion that a diet high in omega-6
fatty acids such as linoleic acid raises disease risk by promoting inflammation
ignores the fact that omega-6 fatty acids also promote anti-inflammatory
Researchers suggest that the controversy highlights
the sorts of problems that arise when scientists focus only on the links
between diet and disease risk. Higher blood linoleic acid, lower death risk
For their research, the scientists used data from
the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor (KIHD) Study.
The KIHD Study is a large, on-going study of
cardiovascular risk that follows a population of middle-aged men living in
eastern Finland. Men in this region have high recorded rates of coronary heart disease.
The study data include the blood levels of fatty
acids in 2,480 men who were 42–60 years of age when they joined the cohort in
1984–1989. The men were followed for an average of 22 years, during which 1,143
of them died from causes that were disease-related. The analysis excluded men
who had died from other causes such as accidents. For their analysis, the
researchers put the men in five groups ranked according to their blood level of
linoleic acid, and they then compared the rates of death in the five groups.
They found that the group with the highest blood
levels of linoleic acid had a 43 percent lower risk of death than the group
with the lowest levels.
A more in-depth analysis revealed a similar pattern
for deaths that were caused by cardiovascular disease, and also for deaths due
to causes other than cardiovascular disease or cancer. However, no such pattern
was found for deaths due to cancer alone.
These findings are consistent with those of other
studies that followed large groups and found links between high dietary and
blood levels of linoleic acid and reduced risk of diseases such as type II
diabetes and cardiovascular disease, while not raising the risk of cancer.
When they ran their analyses again, this time using
only blood levels of Achidonic acid, researchers found similar but weaker
This result is a new and unique contribution of
their study, they note, and they now call for further studies to confirm that
higher blood Arachidonic acid is linked to a lower risk of death.
The researchers also note another important finding:
this was that, regardless of whether the men that they studied had cancer,
diabetes, or cardiovascular disease when they enrolled in the study, the results
were largely the same.
"They discovered that the higher the blood
linoleic acid level, the smaller the risk of premature death."
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